7x2 instruments (44.1kHz / 96kHz) (legacy version for v1 Kontakt 4)
2x2 instruments (44.1kHz / 96kHz) (v2)
3string Shamisen (honchoshi4 (C)-(F)-C-F-C)
5th and 3rd strings can be selected from the menu in the instrument(5-string are down-tuned, so the pitch of the bass strings may be unstable. * 5-string are extra recordings.)
Each string tuning can be changed
You can switch between the [Instrument] mode, which mutes the preceding notes on the same string like a real instrument, and the [Keyboard] mode, which allows you to play like a piano, from the menu in the instrument.
Sustain, hammer-on, pull-off, up sound, down sound, scratch sound of rubbing thread with repellent, sound of hitting the body with repellent are recorded.
Sustain [SU]
Hammering on [HO]
Puring off [PO]
Soft legato [so] (Also possible with legato input)
Up sound [Up]
Down sound [Dn]
Fret noise
Pick clutch
Slide (possible with legato input)
Bending (possible by control change operation)
Up / Down / Alternate / Economy / Automatic Return Alternate / Automatic Return Economy Function
[Chord mode] M, m, 7, M7, m7, mM7, dim, m7-5, aug, sus4,7sus4,6, m6, add9, user
Chord editing function, chord search function
[Form mode] C, Cm, C7, CM7, Cm7, CmM7, Cdim, Cm7-5, Caug, Csus4, C7sus4, C6, Cm6, Cadd9, user
[Power chord mode] 5th, 5th + Octave, 4th
[Octave mode]
[Polyphonic mode]
[Legato mode]
* [] Is an abbreviation in the instrument
Includes 24bit / 44.1kHz version and 24bit / 96kHz version
Equipped with VSAS2 engine
Japanese help built-in
Designation of playing style by velocity (when playing style Multi is selected)
Each microphone output channel setting function
(3string+2)x21 frets are sampled for noise reduction processing (sustain, hammering on, pulling off, soft legato) (up sound down sound samples some points)
Memory usage can be reduced by limiting the microphones to be loaded
Performance mode selection function (chord, form, monophonic, polyphonic, power chord, octave)
Playing style selection function
Microphone selection function
Performance string selection function
Performance fret position range selection (1 fret can be selected)
Automatic fret position range movement function
Hold function
Legato function (soft legato, slide, fret noise)
Stroke direction selection (down, up, alternate, economy, alternate (automatic return), economy (automatic return))
Stroke time specification function + random [ms] (stroke speed)
Pitch bend range function
Pitch adjustment function for each note using aftertouch
Volume, stereo width, phase function
Each string tuning function (2 notes down to 1 note up)
String number switching function
Vibrato function
Individual choking for each string
Automatic string designation choking
Choking range designation (1,2,3,4)
Select whether or not to make noise when sliding (on / off)
Select whether to use the lowest string in chord mode (on / off)
Stroke timing specification function
Selection function that limits the selection range of strings to bass strings in power chord mode
Equipped with individual key switch invalidation switch
Timing humanizer function
Volume humanizer function
Pitch humanizer function
Smooth function that smoothes the connection of sounds
A function that gives priority to the open string sound
EQ, various filters. Equipped with distortion, reverb, delay, convolution reverb, compressor, limiter, and more than 30 other effects
User preset creation and saving function for temperament
An extra recording of a patch with 5 strings sampled by lowering the tuning by an octave.(Since it is down-tuned, the pitch of the bass strings may be unstable.)
Artwork (package and GUI 3D / 2DCG), player, recording, script, engineer: Hironari Watanabe
* The package image is an image.